An At-Home Workout For Beginners

You want to start working out but don’t want to go all in on a gym membership. Does this mean you’re doomed to wallow in a sea of inactivity forever? Absolutely not!

Many fitness beginners are intimidated by the gym. It’s typically filled with judgement, equipment they’ve never used before, and an uncomfortable feeling of being out of shape.

If fitness is totally foreign to you, the gym may not be the best place to start. And that’s ok. A better place to start would be somewhere you feel comfortable and secure, like your own home.

Even if you don’t have access to any equipment, there are tons of exercises you can do with your own bodyweight that can be challenging and effective in your quest to get fit. One of the best ways to do this is with circuit training.

Circuit training utilizes short rest periods and exercises that work a lot of large muscles. This makes them a great way to burn fat and improve your cardiovascular fitness in a short time (1). So if you’re someone who has little time in the day to devote to working out, this may be the solution for you as well.

With that in mind, I want to provide you with a simple at-home workout for beginners that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Let’s get started!

With this circuit, you’ll move from exercise to exercise without any rest. The only rest you’ll take is at the end of each round. Shoot for anywhere between 30-60 seconds of rest. If you need more, take it. Just work on decreasing your rest time each week.

The goal is to complete 3-5 rounds in as little time as possible. If you aren’t able to complete that many rounds, it’s ok. Again, try to work up to that as you progress.

Here’s the circuit:

Bodyweight Squat (15 reps)

A Squat requires some decent mobility at the hips and ankles to do correctly. If it feels awkward when you do it, try placing a chair behind you and tap it at the bottom of each squat. This should help you feel more balanced.
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Incline Push Up (10 reps)

You can use a kitchen counter, desk, or even a sofa to do the Incline Push Up. And you can make them harder by lowering yourself closer to the floor. Adjust as you see fit.

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Bodyweight Hip Thrust (12 reps)

The Hip Thrust can be done using either a chair or couch. A couch would be more comfortable, but you’ll have to use what you have access to. You want to make sure you feel this movement in your butt. If you don’t, be sure you’re pushing through your heels as you move to the top.

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Deadbug (6 reps/side)

The Deadbug is pretty easy. You’ll reach out with one arm and the opposite leg as far as you can then return back to the start. You should feel this primarily in the abs.

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Wall Slide (12 reps)

For the Wall Slide, you’ll need to sit up straight against a wall. Place your arms on the wall at a 90 degree angle and then slide overhead into a Y shape. Try to keep your arms in contact with as much of the wall as possible on this one.

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Bodyweight Split Squat (10 reps/side)

The Split Squat will be one of the more challenging exercises of the circuit. You may feel off balance and that’s normal. Feel free to set up beside a wall and place your hand on it. This will provide you with a little more stability until it feels comfortable.

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Birddog (6 reps/side)

The Birddog is similar to the deadbug. The only difference is you’ll be in a quadruped position.

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Prone I on Floor (12 reps)

The Prone I targets all the small postural muscles of the upper back. You won’t get much movement on this one, but you should feel it in the upper back/shoulder blade area.

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Jumping Jacks (30 reps)

Everyone should know how to perform a jumping jack. This exercise will challenging your cardiovascular endurance to a greater degree.

That’s all there is to it!

Perform this circuit 3 times per week. This will provide you with ample opportunity to improve your fitness level and your ability to do these exercises correctly. On a side note, this is also a great circuit to do while on vacation because it requires little space and equipment.

While hitting the gym, may not be your cup of tea at the moment; don’t discount it as future possibility. This circuit is great for those who are brand new to fitness.

You have to constantly challenge yourself in order to see progress. You’ll only be able to take this circuit so far. At some point, it will become too easy.

Once that happens, take a look at the gym again. Hopefully, you’ll find you feel more comfortable than before and are ready to give it another shot!


1. Brett, K. et al. High-intensity circuit training using body weight: maximum results with minimal investment.  ACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal: May/June 2013 – Volume 17 – Issue 3 – p 8–13.


  • Ann Lytle

    September 2, 2016

    Thx for info!!!! Sounds great. Enjoy ur weekend


      September 7, 2016

      No problem Ann! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂