Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 28 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of February 21 – February 27.

1. 20 Clever Tips To Eat Healthy When Eating Out: Courtesy of Helen West on Authority Nutrition

Eating out at a restaurant should be an enjoyable, social event. However, when you’re trying to eat well it can be hard to make good choices. You never know what food may be offered or even how the food is cooked. In this article, Helen provides 20 simple tips you can use to eat well and sill be sociable.

2. Tip: Be Inefficient To Lose Fat: Courtesy of Dan John on T Nation

This is a short article, but the premise is very important. Fat loss will stall at some point. If you want to continue seeing progress you need to perform exercises you’re inefficient at. In this article, Dan explains why.

3. Armor Your Back Against Age And Injury: Courtesy of Andrew Read on Breaking Muscle

Aging takes a physical toll on the body. It’s much easier to injury yourself and you don’t recovery as quickly. One of the most vulnerable places in the body, with age, is the low back. In this article, Andrew walks you through how you can strengthen your back and become more resilient.

4. How To Get Stronger: 5 Rules That Make All The Difference: Courtesy of Lee Boyce on

Gaining strength should be the foundation of any program. Strength is a necessary component no matter what goal you want to accomplish. But many don’t know what they should be doing in order to get stronger. In this article, Lee lays out 5 simple principles you can easily apply.

5. 4 Ways Hypermobile Clients Can Improve Their Training: Courtesy of Laura Canteri on

Hypermobility is a term referring to an increased amount of joint laxity. Someone presenting with hypermobile joints can often feel tight. They stretch and stretch but to no avail. In this article, Laura shows you why this is the case and 4 strategies you can use to improve your training.

Recipe Of The Week: Skillet Chicken With Roasted Potatoes And Carrots


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