Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: April 2 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of March 26 – April 1.

1. Can Vitamin D Help You Lose Weight?: Courtesy of Rachael Link on Authority Nutrition

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for health and wellbeing. It can improve your immune system, strengthen your bones, and new research is showing it can even aid in weight loss. In this article, Rachael digs through several studies and looks at vitamin D’s impact on weight loss.

2. 5 Best Loading Schemes For Size And Strength: Courtesy of Christian Thibaudeau on T Nation

If you’re goal is to gain muscle mass and get stronger, strength training is crucial. But so is the set and reps you perform. In this article, Christian walks you through 5 of the best set and rep schemes for improved size and strength.

3. 10 Steps Toward Fat Loss Success: Courtesy of Brad Borland on Breaking Muscle

Everyone loves a checklist. They streamline tasks and make accomplishing goals much easier. Fat loss is no different. There is so much information out there that it’s hard to know exactly what you need to do to get leaner. But in this article, Brad reveals a 10 step checklist to make the process easier for you.

4. Foam Rolling: This Is How We Roll: Courtesy of Dr. Nicholas Licameli on

Foam rolling has become very popular in the fitness realm. I have actually have most of my clients foam roll specific areas as part of their warm up. But there are a lot of misconceptions about what foam rolling is, how it helps, and why you should do it. In this article, Dr. Licameli answers these questions so you can be confident next time you hit the foam roller.

5. 4 Exercises To Ease Low Back Pain During Pregnancy: Courtesy of Kara Stewart-Agostino on Girls Gone Strong

Now that my wife is pregnant, I can tell you low back pain during pregnancy is the norm. While most women have it, they aren’t quite sure what to do in order to get rid of it. In this article, Kara shares 4 of the best exercises for a pain-free low back.

Side Dish Recipe Of The Week: Sweet Potato Fries

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