Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: May 21 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of May 14 – May 20.

1. 5 Things To Consider With With PostPartum Training: Courtesy of Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall on

Training after pregnancy can be tricky. Many women have issues with their core and pelvic floor, which can be compounded if they jump back into intense exercise too quickly after giving birth. But that doesn’t mean they can’t train. They just need a different approach to fit their needs. In this article, Dr. Duvall shares 5 tips to help new mothers ease back into strength training.

2. 12 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones: Courtesy of Franziska Spritzler on Authority Nutrition

Hormones are tiny messengers within our bodies. They play a huge role in things like energy level, weight loss, and hunger. If your hormones aren’t balanced, it can be tough to see any progress with your fitness goals. But in this article, Franziska shares 12 tips to help you balance out your hormones and feel your best.

3. Fat Burning Foods: What Experts Don’t Want You To Know: Courtesy of JC Deen on JCD Fitness

Many health companies, experts, and magazines tout the ability of so called”fat burning foods” like coconut oil, salmon, Greek yogurt, and berries. They claim that if you eat these types of foods you’ll be able to burn fat. But in this article, JC shows why this line of thinking is incorrect and what you need to do instead to burn fat for good.

4. The 4 Best Exercises To Work The Hips: Courtesy of Laura Williams on

The hips play a major role in keeping your back strong and injury resistant. But when most people think of hip exercises, they think of the seated abductor and adductor machines at their local gym. Unfortunately, these machines don’t do much in terms of creating strong and mobile hips. But in this article, Laura shares 4 exercises to help you improve your hip strength.

5. The 7 Smartest Workout Tips Of All Time: Courtesy of Dean Graddon on T Nation

There are thousands, if not millions, of different ways you could set up your workouts to make them more efficient. But where would you even begin to start? Well, in this article, Dean reveals 7 of the smartest workout tips to get you well on your way to becoming leaner and stronger.

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Protein Waffles

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