Super Simple Workout Template When You're On The Go

A Super Simple Workout Template When You’re On The Go

We live in a busy world. My wife, Candice, and I were in New York City a couple of months ago. I’d been there five years ago, but didn’t remember too much about the trip (other than the tourist attractions of course). One thing that stuck out to me, this time around, was all the…

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push up to renegade row

Combination Exercise You Need To Try: Push Up To Renegade Row

Candice and I are traveling to Brevard, North Carolina this weekend to attend a wedding. I’m looking forward to it not only because the wedding should be fun, but we will also be surrounded by Pisgah National Forest. I hear it has some spectacular scenery, so my goal is to get some hiking in while we’re…

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unconventional core exercises

3 Unconventional Core Exercises You Need To Do

The term “core” has become a buzz word over the last few years. With all the infomercials and exercise equipment out there, it has lead many to believe core training will suddenly help them drop a few clothing sizes. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. The only way to truly get leaner is by combining a…

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assess movement

How To Assess And Improve Movement: Part 1

An assessment is an often overlooked but rather important part of a strength training program. Everyone has limitations and movement restrictions that can prevent them from performing certain exercises with correct form. For example, office workers usually have a hard time performing any overhead exercises correctly. Sitting at a desk all day places them into…

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How To Properly Train Your Abs

Traditional core training usually consists of things like crunches, sit ups, side bends, russian twists, and the like. Walk into any commercial gym and you will be sure to see those types of exercises. These exercises allow the spine to move through a large range of motion, and do not properly train your abs. Stuart Mcgill,…

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Is Stretching Always The Answer?

Stretching has become the go-to prescription for “tight” muscles. I see trainers suggesting this daily and the average gym user will tell you that stretching is key to more flexibility/mobility. While I don’t believe stretching is always a bad thing, I think a question needs to be asked- “Is what I’m doing working?” If not,…

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Fundamental Movement Patterns

Each program I design is always centered around fundamental movement patterns. These patterns are the different ways we should be able to move as humans. Over time, our movement can be compromised as the result of posture, jobs, and things of that nature. In essence, we are a product of our environment. Here are the…

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The True Function of the Abdominals

A lot of people are missing the mark when it comes to training their abs. The gyms are flooded with people doing sit ups, crunches, Russian twists, and tons of other exercises that placed the spine in a bad position. Hopefully though you have never seen anything like this. Anyways, core training continues to be…

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