live longer

Do This One Thing To Live Longer

Let’s face it, everyone wants to live longer But, in our American society, this goal can be hard to come by. As a population, we’re extremely sedentary and don’t practice good nutrition habits on a daily basis. Just those two things alone can contribute to an early death. If that describes you, that doesn’t mean you’re…

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treat yourself

Why It’s Important To Treat Yourself

Have you seen the show Parks and Recreation? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. It’s hilarious! I never saw it when it was on air, but last year my wife and I watched the entire series on Netflix. One of the running jokes throughout the series occurs between two of the main characters: Tom Haverford…

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repetitive eating

Repetitive Eating: The Seemingly Unknown Weight Loss Strategy

When I was growing up, I specifically remember my mom trying to figure out what we would have for dinner every night. It always seemed like a chore for her because she got up early, worked long days, and had to pick up my brother and I after soccer practice. I’m sure, the last thing…

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diet soda bad for you

Is Diet Soda Bad For You?

Soda has gotten a bad reputation over the years, and for good reason. It’s jam packed with hundreds of calories and massive quantities of sugar. And some say it has played a role in the ever increasing obesity epidemic in America. That’s why many have made the switch over to diet soda because they view…

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health and fitness

The Health And Fitness Equation

One of my nephews recently started learning his multiplication tables in school. He has this little game where a problem is presented and he has to select the answer he thinks is correct. I watched him one day and started thinking about how simple basic math is. I mean, 2 x 2 will always equal…

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not seeing results in the gym

What To Do When You’re Not Seeing Results In The Gym

It can be frustrating to go to the gym week in and week out and not see any visible progress. I’ve worked in several commercial gyms and can tell you from experience that the majority of gym members feel this way. They constantly put in the work, but the results just aren’t there. In times…

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reduce stomach fat

3 Free Tips To Reduce Stomach Fat

Increased stomach fat is the new normal in America today. We eat more than ever before and it clearly shows in our pant and belt sizes. Because of this, everyone wants to know is how they can reduce their stomach fat. There are countless products out on the market now, dedicated to helping you do this…

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under-eating can prevent you from losing weight

How Under-Eating Can Prevent You From Losing Weight

Most of clients I see at Tidewater Fitness come in looking to lose weight, become leaner, drop a few clothing sizes, have more energy, and feel better. Nutrition plays a huge role in these goals, obviously. One of the major services I provide is habit-based nutrition coaching. This has proven to be the most successful way…

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improve your health

This Simple Food Swap Could Drastically Improve Your Health

In this day and age, food can be manufactured just like any other product. It’s not solely grown anymore. And because of that, we have access to a wide variety of processed food items. One item that is used quite frequently in the average American home is cooking oil. There are many different kinds of…

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A Simple Way To Eat More Vegetables Throughout The Day

There’s no debating the importance of eating more vegetables throughout the day. I’ve mentioned the primary benefits of vegetables several times on this site before. They are loaded with fiber, contain important vitamins and minerals, and are low in calories. Research shows they also possess protective effects against cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Needless…

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