unconventional core exercises

3 Unconventional Core Exercises You Need To Do

The term “core” has become a buzz word over the last few years. With all the infomercials and exercise equipment out there, it has lead many to believe core training will suddenly help them drop a few clothing sizes. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. The only way to truly get leaner is by combining a…

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Reduce Low Back Pain With This Unique Exercise

According to statistics, 80% of people will experience some sort of back pain during their life (1). Those who have suffered or are currently suffering from it know what a hassle this is. It can keep you from doing things you love. Unfortunately, there are many different reasons why you may have back pain. This makes…

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knee pain during squats

2 Quick Fixes To Relieve Knee Pain During Squats And Lunges

One of the most frustrating things you will (or may have) encounter(ed) while training is knee pain. Unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence for many people. Anytime you are dealing with joint pain, you have to be careful. By careful, I don’t mean stop training all together. I simply mean being creative with the way you…

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How To Properly Train Your Abs

Traditional core training usually consists of things like crunches, sit ups, side bends, russian twists, and the like. Walk into any commercial gym and you will be sure to see those types of exercises. These exercises allow the spine to move through a large range of motion, and do not properly train your abs. Stuart Mcgill,…

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What Personal Training Is Really Like

With all the tv shows and movies out there today, personal training has gotten a bad rap. Think about it. In every movie that has a personal training character, they usually are some sort of drug dealer or creep looking to hustle people. And I know you have seen the tv shows like biggest loser.…

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3 Tips For Improved Shoulder Health And Function

The shoulder complex is comprised of several different joints. The glenohumeral joint, or what most people think of as the “shoulder” is one of the primary components. This joint has two main players, the humerus and the glenoid fossa. The head of the humerus is larger than the glenoid, which it sits on top of.…

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The Rocking Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip flexion is the act of raising the thigh toward the trunk or bending the trunk toward the thigh. There are several muscles that create hip flexion such as the Iliacus, Psoas, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, and Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL). There are also a couple muscles that assist in hip flexion such as the Adductor…

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The Magazine Dilemma

Every so often, I’ll see a health or fitness magazine displaying an article title on the front that intrigues me. I do not read those types of magazines regularly, but I always like to see what type of information is being presented to the public. Last week, I saw one with an article titled “Beat Back Pain”.…

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Applying the Deadlift in Everyday Life

Last week I talked about how the deadlift was one of the best exercises you should be doing. In this post, I want to talk about how to apply this lift to your daily activities. Since you are doing deadlifts now right? 🙂 So often, I see people pick things up off the floor like…

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Forward Head Posture and Pain

Forward head posture (FPH) is very common posture within our society today. It is recognized as the position in which the ears are in front of the shoulders. We sit at desks all day, look at our phones and tablets, read books, and many other things that allow us to drift into this position. It…

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