Diet or exercise

Diet Or Exercise: Which Impacts Weight Loss More?

You get to hear some pretty interesting conversations when you work in a gym all day. One that comes up time and time again is how exercise affects weight loss. Many believe that if they just exercised more (whether that be cardio, strength training, etc.) they would have their dream body. But is that the most…

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calorie counting

Calorie Counting Made Easy

One “diet” method that will stand the test of time is calorie counting. If you’re goal is weight loss or fat loss, the amount of calories you eat each day will have the biggest outcome on your progress. With today’s technology, there are countless apps you can use to log your foods. They usually provide you…

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4 Tips To Make An Exercise Harder

If you’ve been going to the same gym long enough, you’ll start to notice an interesting trend. Some of the people perform the same exercises every single time. I remember one guy specifically from a gym I worked at. Each morning he came in, he did incline bench press, lat pulldowns, cable curls, and finished…

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5 Questions You Need To Ask To Bust Through A Plateau

Why isn’t this working anymore? I thought I was doing so well? Should I just give up? All of these are common questions you may ask yourself when hitting a progress plateau. It’s easy to feel disappointed and frustrated in times like this. You had been working so hard, and all of a sudden the results…

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How To Get Results When You Are Short On Time

One of the biggest obstacles stopping many from getting to the gym is that they don’t have enough time. On one hand I think people lean too heavily on this excuse, but on the other I can see where they’re coming from. When you have a full time job, kids, and a host of other things…

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How To Properly Warm Up

Warming up is the most overlooked aspect of a workout. Most people don’t know what a good warm up should look like. For the average gym member who does warm up, it usually consists of walking/running on the treadmill for 5 minutes followed by some static stretching. In reality, it should be and is so much more…

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the value of habit building

The Value Of Habit Building In Health And Fitness

I began lifting weights in high school around 2005. I was on the varsity soccer team, and strength training was a part of our pre-season. Obviously, I was unfamiliar with resistance training at the time, but as I did it more and more I grew to enjoy it. Once I entered college, I became preoccupied…

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knee pain during squats

2 Quick Fixes To Relieve Knee Pain During Squats And Lunges

One of the most frustrating things you will (or may have) encounter(ed) while training is knee pain. Unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence for many people. Anytime you are dealing with joint pain, you have to be careful. By careful, I don’t mean stop training all together. I simply mean being creative with the way you…

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The 1 Arm Kettlebell Front Squat

When you walk into most gyms, you’ll be hard pressed to find many people doing squats. It’s unfortunate because this exercise works a lot of different muscle groups in the body including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and abs. Squats are also one of the most functional exercises there is. Think about it. We do…

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How To Properly Train Your Abs

Traditional core training usually consists of things like crunches, sit ups, side bends, russian twists, and the like. Walk into any commercial gym and you will be sure to see those types of exercises. These exercises allow the spine to move through a large range of motion, and do not properly train your abs. Stuart Mcgill,…

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