
How Much Protein Do You Need To Lose Weight?

Of all three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat), protein is the most important when it comes to weight loss. That’s one of the main reasons why I write about it heavily on this site. The other day I had a client ask me how much protein he needed to eat to lose weight. This is…

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accomplish your new year's resolution

Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution With Performance-Based Goals

“What is the main goal you want to accomplish with training?” That’s one of the first questions I ask each new client who wants to begin personal training. It’s an important question to answer. If you don’t have a goal, the odds of you starting and continuing your fitness journey are slim. But with this…

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diet soda bad for you

Is Diet Soda Bad For You?

Soda has gotten a bad reputation over the years, and for good reason. It’s jam packed with hundreds of calories and massive quantities of sugar. And some say it has played a role in the ever increasing obesity epidemic in America. That’s why many have made the switch over to diet soda because they view…

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workout for the holidays

A Workout For The Holidays

Two major holidays are right around the corner, Thanksgiving and Christmas. While both are a great time to get together with family and friends, they also present unique challenges if you’re trying to lose or even maintain your weight over the holiday season. The most obvious challenge comes with food. If everyone were being honest…

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health and fitness

The Health And Fitness Equation

One of my nephews recently started learning his multiplication tables in school. He has this little game where a problem is presented and he has to select the answer he thinks is correct. I watched him one day and started thinking about how simple basic math is. I mean, 2 x 2 will always equal…

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not seeing results in the gym

What To Do When You’re Not Seeing Results In The Gym

It can be frustrating to go to the gym week in and week out and not see any visible progress. I’ve worked in several commercial gyms and can tell you from experience that the majority of gym members feel this way. They constantly put in the work, but the results just aren’t there. In times…

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reduce stomach fat

3 Free Tips To Reduce Stomach Fat

Increased stomach fat is the new normal in America today. We eat more than ever before and it clearly shows in our pant and belt sizes. Because of this, everyone wants to know is how they can reduce their stomach fat. There are countless products out on the market now, dedicated to helping you do this…

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under-eating can prevent you from losing weight

How Under-Eating Can Prevent You From Losing Weight

Most of clients I see at Tidewater Fitness come in looking to lose weight, become leaner, drop a few clothing sizes, have more energy, and feel better. Nutrition plays a huge role in these goals, obviously. One of the major services I provide is habit-based nutrition coaching. This has proven to be the most successful way…

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spot reduction

The Myth Of Spot Reduction

You may have read that title and thought to yourself, “What the heck is spot reduction?”! It sounds like something very complicated, but the truth is, it’s a common question within the fitness industry. Spot reduction means reducing body fat at a specific body part by using exercises that train that specific body part. If that…

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top 5 workout finishers

The Top 5 Workout Finishers You Can Use To Melt Fat And Get Lean

Last year, I wrote an article for the local paper on how adding a finisher into your workouts can help speed up fat loss. If you’re unfamiliar with what a finisher is, it’s an exercise or group of exercises performed at the end of your workout. They’re usually 10 minutes or less in length and…

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