4 mistakes beginners make in the gym

4 Mistakes Beginners Make In The Gym That Will Undoubtedly Stop Progress

Depending on where you’re at in life, a mistake can either be a good or bad thing. On one hand, they help us learn and grow so we can do things better than we did previously. On the other hand, they can hold us back from making progress towards a goal or achievement. The funny…

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difference between success and failure

True Strength: The Difference Between Success And Failure

Over the past weekend, I attended my first ever Perform Better Summit in Orlando, Florida. If you don’t know anything about Perform Better, they’re a fitness equipment company that hosts seminars on the side. They heavily emphasize education for health and fitness professionals. Since I had never been to one of their events before, I…

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creating long-term motivation

A Guide To Creating Long-Term Motivation

According to the dictionary, motivation is defined as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”. Motivation to accomplish any goal is very important, but unfortunately it’s often fleeting. We wake up one day with all the confidence and vigor in the world only to have it come crashing down…

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The Fat Loss Hierarchy

Fat loss is one of the most widely sought after goals in the American society. And there’s plenty of reason why. We eat more and are more sedentary than ever before. This makes the goal an obvious choice. Many people will fall into one of two camps. There are those who log hours of exercise each…

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fitness and nutrition apps

5 Cool Fitness And Nutrition Apps That Make Life Easier

Technology is great, isn’t it? This day and age it seems like new and exciting things are being invented every day to make life easier. Especially when it comes to the your health. There are a lot of cool fitness and nutrition apps out there that have made getting stronger and burning fat significantly simpler. In…

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ridiculously simple strategy to make habits stick

One Ridiculously Easy Way To Make A Habit Stick

I have talked many times on this site about how important developing habits are toward accomplishing your health and fitness goals. The reason habits are so crucial is because they become hard-wired within our brains as we repeat them. This makes them extremely easy to perform. We don’t have to think, we just do. The…

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Creating A Plan For The New Year

This is the time of year when all the New Year’s resolutions begin. Everyone starts off with a can-do attitude and it seems like nothing will stand in their way. But just like every year, life happens. They get busy and finds ways to discontinue their resolution efforts. That’s why most resolutions (and anything for…

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crush any goal

Two Things You Need To Do To Crush Any Goal

A goal is defined as “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result”. Goals are very important in life, because they push us to do something we otherwise may not have attempted. But they can be tough to accomplish. Working with clients week in and week out has given me a…

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4 Tips To Make An Exercise Harder

If you’ve been going to the same gym long enough, you’ll start to notice an interesting trend. Some of the people perform the same exercises every single time. I remember one guy specifically from a gym I worked at. Each morning he came in, he did incline bench press, lat pulldowns, cable curls, and finished…

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The One Thing You Can Do To Help You Reach Your Goals Faster

Think about the last time you had a project to do with a partner. It may have been at school, work, or even at home. For me, it was at home. My wife and I just finished making an outdoor table for our patio. What I want you to think back to was how much quicker…

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