Reduce Low Back Pain With This Unique Exercise

According to statistics, 80% of people will experience some sort of back pain during their life (1). Those who have suffered or are currently suffering from it know what a hassle this is. It can keep you from doing things you love. Unfortunately, there are many different reasons why you may have back pain. This makes…

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assess movement

How To Assess And Improve Movement: Part 1

An assessment is an often overlooked but rather important part of a strength training program. Everyone has limitations and movement restrictions that can prevent them from performing certain exercises with correct form. For example, office workers usually have a hard time performing any overhead exercises correctly. Sitting at a desk all day places them into…

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4 Exercises You Need To Do In Your Warm Up

A warm up is usually the most overlooked aspect of a training program. Once the average joe hits the gym, they’re focus is on one thing: the workout. Honestly, this isn’t surprising. The workout is where the majority of people place importance. But a solid warm up can improve performance and reduce injury risk. If…

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3 Tips For Improved Shoulder Health And Function

The shoulder complex is comprised of several different joints. The glenohumeral joint, or what most people think of as the “shoulder” is one of the primary components. This joint has two main players, the humerus and the glenoid fossa. The head of the humerus is larger than the glenoid, which it sits on top of.…

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The Romanian Deadlift

Sounds like a torture device, right? Actually the Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is a fantastic exercise, and one I want to talk about a little more in depth today. Often, when you walk into a gym, most squat racks are empty. Except for the guys blasting out curls. This is the norm unfortunately. Many people do…

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Is Stretching Always The Answer?

Stretching has become the go-to prescription for “tight” muscles. I see trainers suggesting this daily and the average gym user will tell you that stretching is key to more flexibility/mobility. While I don’t believe stretching is always a bad thing, I think a question needs to be asked- “Is what I’m doing working?” If not,…

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Hip Mobility, What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Mobility is a term being thrown around in a lot in gyms today. You may have heard someone mention it, but do you know what it means? Renowned physical therapist Gray Cook would say its your freedom of movement at each joint. He created the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), which serves as an assessment for…

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