Lose Fat with Green Tea

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and for good reason. It has a host of benefits, especially green tea. One study showed a reduction in fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in mice consuming green tea extract (1). These are two big markers of diabetes. Another study showed green tea…

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Nutritional Tips While Traveling

Nutrition seems to be the #1 struggle for people when attempting to lose weight. Rightly so. With all the sugar, fat, and other chemicals loaded into food these days it’s incredibly difficult to give that up for broccoli. But once a change is made, the benefits are seen quickly. You notice you aren’t as hungry…

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5 Fitness and Nutrition Myths

There are a lot of myths surrounding the fitness and nutrition industries these days. With all the information available on the internet and all the “studies” coming out, its no easy task sifting through it all to determine what’s right and what’s wrong. Unfortunately many truths, as claimed by the media and biased researchers, are…

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Why Diets Suck

Dieting is a term our nation is quite familiar with. As the rates of obesity rise, we are more aware of its long term effects on our life and health. With this mind, dieting has become very popular. But what exactly does the word diet mean? Well, according to Merriam-Webster, a diet is defined as…

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Five Nutritional Tips to Help You Lose Weight Quickly

Losing weight has become a common theme in America today. Between the time we spend sitting and all processed foods we consume, it’s no wonder why this is the case. We eat more food and are more sedentary than ever before. The thing is, many people do not even realize how much food they are…

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The Ultimate Mindset

As humans, we tend to justify doing things if we know it is something we shouldn’t do. We always find at least one reason why a certain action is alright. If we convince ourselves that something is ok for us to do, then we will do it. As we do this more and more, it…

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Food and Hormones: Part 3

Ok everyone, this is the last installment of this series on food and hormones. If you missed part 1 or part 2 you can catch up by clicking the links. Today, I’m going to cover the final hormone, cortisol. Now these three hormones are by no means the only hormones that play a role in the food…

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Food and Hormones: Part 2

In this article, we are going to continue our series on hormones and food.  The first post was all about insulin. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Today, we’re going to cover another important hormone, Leptin. So let’s dive right in! LEPTIN Background Leptin is a big player in satiety, metabolism, and…

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Food and Hormones: Part 1

This is the start of a series of articles on food and hormones. Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to discuss three important hormones that can wreck havoc on your body composition if not in check. You want to be aware of them and how they function so you can ensure that your…

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Is eating out hindering your fat loss?

One of the things I get clients to do more overtime is to cook at home. There are a lot of benefits. It’s less expensive, you can use the leftovers for lunch, you cook the food so you know what is in it, and there are usually less calories. Learning to cook at home is…

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