Unlock Your Hips After Prolonged Sitting With These 2 Exercises

Over the weekend, my wife flew to New Mexico for a education conference with several of her co-teachers. The thing about traveling this far and attending events like this is it requires you to sit, a lot. Hours upon hours a day. When sitting, your hips are in a flexed position. This places your hip flexors in…

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4 Exercises You Need To Do In Your Warm Up

A warm up is usually the most overlooked aspect of a training program. Once the average joe hits the gym, they’re focus is on one thing: the workout. Honestly, this isn’t surprising. The workout is where the majority of people place importance. But a solid warm up can improve performance and reduce injury risk. If…

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Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed-onset muscle soreness or DOMS is a natural occurrence in the world of weight training. It’s that soreness you feel the day after you work out. You tend to feel it a little more when you are new to lifting weights, but it still occurs whether you’re a newbie or a veteran lifter. In this article,…

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The Rocking Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip flexion is the act of raising the thigh toward the trunk or bending the trunk toward the thigh. There are several muscles that create hip flexion such as the Iliacus, Psoas, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, and Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL). There are also a couple muscles that assist in hip flexion such as the Adductor…

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Is Stretching Always The Answer?

Stretching has become the go-to prescription for “tight” muscles. I see trainers suggesting this daily and the average gym user will tell you that stretching is key to more flexibility/mobility. While I don’t believe stretching is always a bad thing, I think a question needs to be asked- “Is what I’m doing working?” If not,…

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