Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 11 2021

1. 12 Rules To Optimize Your Health For A 21st Century Mindset: Courtesy of Shane Trotter on Breaking Muscle

Rules govern our lives. Without them, there’s chaos. You could make the same analogy when it comes to your health. If you have a predetermined set of rules or habits to follow, it can streamline your fitness. In this article, Shane shares 12 rules to live by if you want to optimize your health. 

2. 5 Next Level Supersets For Better Results: Courtesy of Shane McLean on

A superset is two exercises paired back to back in a training session. There are tons of benefits to this type of training such as building muscle on a lagging body part or stripping fat from an unwanted area. In this article, Tony shares 5 supersets you can use in your next training program. 

3. I Believe Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day: Courtesy of Erin Power on Mark’s Daily Apple

The question of whether breakfast should be eaten daily will continue to be debated. However, there is a case to make no matter what side of the spectrum you fall on. In this article, Erin shares the benefits of a eating a meal earlier in the morning. 

4. The 6 Training Rules For Over-40 Lifters: Courtesy of Christian Thibaudeau on T Nation

Once we hit 40 our bodies don’t recover as well as they used to. Because of this, it’s important to make modifications to our training so we can stay injury and pain free. In this article, Christian shares 6 strategies to keep you making progress well into your 40s and beyond. 

Recipe Of The Week: Avocado And Egg Breakfast Toast

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