best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 22 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of July 15 – July 21.

1. What Your Number One Goal Should Be: Courtesy of Eric Bach on T Nation

No matter if your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, or somewhere in between strength will play a huge role in it. But getting stronger isn’t easy. It will force you outside of your comfort zone when in the gym. In this article, Eric explains why getting stronger will help with any goal you have and shares what exercises should be staples in your workout programs.

2. Top 13 Lean Protein Foods You Should Eat: Courtesy of Marsha McCulloch on Healthline

Protein is arguably the most important macronutrient. It keeps you fuller for longer, helps your recover from workouts, and can increase your muscle mass. It’s something that you should be eating at each meal. In this article, Marsha shares the top 13 lean protein foods you should include in your diet.

3. The Ultimate Guide To Biohacking A Perfect Night’s Sleep: Courtesy of Kevin Mason on

Sleep is the ultimate recovery tool. If you have poor sleep habits, this could lead to significant food cravings and low energy the next day. Research also shows that those who sleep less tend to weight more. Needless to say, it’s pretty important. In this article, Kevin shares 20 scientific strategies to help you get the perfect night’s sleep.

4. Why Different Set and Rep Ranges Are Key to Achieving Your Goals: Courtesy of Ingrid Marcum on Girls Gone Strong

Go to any gym and you’ll see many people performing 3 set of 10 reps on every exercise they do. This has become the universal set and rep range for everything. But if you have specific goals you want to achieve like strength gains, increased muscle mass, or improved endurance, the set and rep range you choose will make all the difference. In this article, Ingrid shares how to set yourself up for success.

5. The Pain Free Guide To Motivation: Courtesy of Mariah Heller on Breaking Muscle

Wouldn’t you love to be motivated week in and week out to go the gym? The reality is most of us don’t always feel like working out. Maybe you had a late night a work or you’re feeling under the weather. With all the things that get in the way, how do you stay consistent? Well, in this article, Mariah shares 7 of her best tips to help you harness the power of motivation.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: Avocado Tuna Salad

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