Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 19 2023

1. 4 Best Morning Habits From the World’s Longest-Living People: Courtesy of Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

The Blue Zones are the geographic regions of the world that contain the longest-living people. And as such, they are a great place to learn from. In this article, Alexa provides 4 of the best morning habits from the people in these areas. 

2. Carb Cycling: What Is It And How Does It Work?: Courtesy of Alysa Hullett on Greatist

Carb cycling is a popular approach for those looking to shed some unwanted weight. It’s a simple way to lower your calorie intake without much effort. In this article, Alysa shares how to integrate this approach into your weekly diet. 

3. The Best Technique For Building Better Thighs, Hips, And Glutes In Less Time (7 Superset Training Templates): Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

A superset is two exercises paired together during a training session. This method has been proven to build muscle and strength in less time. In this article, Tom breaks down 7 superset templates that you can use for better results. 

4. What To Do Before, During, And After A Big Meal: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple

The holiday season often comes with feasts and a bit of overindulgence. With all the family gatherings and festive parties, it’s hard to resist. Constantly overeating puts your organs on overdrive, triggering inflammation. The good news? This article from Mark provides several strategies you can use to counter these negative effects.

5. I’ve Been Teaching Weightlifting For Years — 3 Tips For Growing Muscle Using Dumbbells: Courtesy of Sam Hopes on Tom’s Guide

Research has shown that the more muscle you have, the lower your risk of dying early. That’s why increasing muscle mass should be everyone’s number one fitness priority. In this article, Sam shares 3 great tips to help you do just that. 

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