best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: September 2 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of August 26 – September 1.

1. How Running Kept Me Overweight: Courtesy of Antonella Kahler on Breaking Muscle

Many people take up running when they want to lose weight. After all, it’s very easy to do and you don’t need any special equipment. But is this the best way to lose weight? In this article, Antonella tells her story of how running didn’t help much in the weight loss game and why this is the case.

2. Nutrition for seniors: 7 lifestyle strategies to stay strong, healthy, and independent longer.: Courtesy of Jennifer Broxterman on Precision Nutrition

One thing is for certain in this life, we are all aging. And as we age our bodies tend to decline in health. We get weaker and more prone to sickness. In this article, Jennifer shares 7 different strategies for seniors to help them stay strong and independent for longer.

3. 5 (Counterintuitive) Reasons Why Your Results Are Stalling: Courtesy of Jill Coleman on

We’ve all hit the dreaded plateau at one point or another. It can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you feel like you’re doing everything right. But in this article, Jill shares 5 reasons why your results have stalled. And some of them might not be what you think.

4. The Full-Body Dumbbell Workout You Can Do Anywhere: Courtesy of Hobart Swan on

You’re not always going to have access to every single piece of gym equipment you want. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get in a great workout. In this article, Hobart shares a full body circuit you can do with a single pair of dumbbells.

5. Get More Out Of Your Protein: Courtesy of Chris Albert on T Nation

There’s no arguing over how much protein plays a role in muscle building, fat loss, and performance enhancement. Research has shown us time and time again that you need a high protein diet for each of these goals. But something that’s not often talked about is just how much protein you can absorb at each meal and how to improve your body’s ability to absorb it. Chris breaks everything down in this article for you.

Dessert Recipe Of The Week: 3 Ingredient Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies

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