best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 4 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of January 28 – February 3.

1. 12 Changes For Big Gains: Courtesy of T Nation

When it comes to changing the way your body looks, the little things you do can add up in a big way over time. And that’s the basis of this article. T Nation gathered 8 of the top health and fitness coaches and asked them their favorite easy change that leads to big progress. I think you’ll be surprised with some of the answers.

2. The Truth About How Much Exercise You Need to Lose Weight: Courtesy of Shaun Dreisbach on Greatist

The formula for weight loss basically boils down to calories in vs. calories out. Your nutrition contributes to the calories in side of things but it’s exercise that affects the calories out side. The cool thing is the type of exercise you do can impact your hunger hormones afterward. In this article, Shaun shares an interesting research study that shows how much exercise is appropriate for you to lose weight.

3. Never Waste Another Warm-Up! Do This Instead: Courtesy of Dr. John Rusin on

The warm-up is one of the most essential pieces to helping you perform better in the gym and stay injury free. Unfortunately, it’s often wasted with 5-10 minutes spent on a treadmill. In this article, Dr. Rusin shares a warm-up you can knock out in 10 minutes that will properly prepare your body for training.

4. Don’t Care For The Gym? Try These Workout Alternatives!: Courtesy of Rudy Mawer on

For some people, the gym just isn’t for them. Maybe they live far away or want to avoid the crowds. But just because you can’t make it to the gym doesn’t mean you need to forgo exercise all together. In this article, Rudy shares 7 different ways you can still get in a great workout without hitting the gym.

5. Every Program Needs Strength Training: Courtesy of Luis Uribe on Breaking Muscle

Whether your goal is to lose fat, gain muscle, get stronger, become more flexible or anything else in between you have to have a workout plan in order to get there. In this article, Luis shares why every workout should include some type of strength training and why this will help you get the results you want.

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Gingerbread Protein Pancakes

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