best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 24 2016

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of July 17 – July 23.

1. The Use Of Protein Powder For Fat Loss: Courtesy of Jamie Rose Chambers on Breaking Muscle

A hefty dose of daily protein is a requirement if you want to get lean and stay lean. Protein is responsible for a host of different benefits when it comes to fat loss including building muscle mass and keeping you full. The problem is most people don’t get enough protein. That’s where protein powder can help. In this article, Jamie provides 3 rules for using protein powder to shed body fat.

2. Sushi: Healthy Or Unhealthy: Courtesy of Alina Petre on Authority Nutrition

Sushi is often thought of as a healthy meal. But is that the case? That’s what the folks at Authority Nutrition wanted to find out. In this article, Alina provides a detailed look at sushi and tips to increase it’s health benefits.

3. Four Ways To Improve Your Life: Courtesy of Dr. Perry Nickelston on Stop Chasing Pain

The title in this one kinda speaks for itself. In this article, Dr. Perry delivers 4 things that can improve your life if you do them more often. You’ll be surprised at how simple these are!

4. What You Must Know About Chronic Pain: Courtesy of Ann Wendel on Girls Gone Strong

Chronic pain can be debilitating. I’ve seen the physical and emotional toll it can take on a person’s life. It can limit the ability for them to enjoy or even perform their day to day activities, which can be crippling. But pain doesn’t have to control your life. In this article, Ann talks about what pain actually is, where it comes from, and the best approach to treatment.

5. Boring May Be Better: Why Routine May Be Best For Certain Health Goals: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple

We are given so much variety today. There are millions of different food items at the grocery store, many different pieces of equipment at the gym, and tons of different exercise routines you can choose from. You may have tried a little of this and a little of that but have found you’re still far off from your goals. In this article, Mark talks about why establishing a routine may actually help you accomplish your health goals faster.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: Shrimp Tacos

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