best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 6 2016

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of October 30 – November 5.

1. Sleep As A Catalyst For Fat Loss: Courtesy of Marc Halpern on Breaking Muscle

I really loved this article. Sleep is one of those underrated factors, that most don’t consider, when trying to lose weight. But sleep is connected to hunger and appetite. So those 4 hours of sleep you got because you stayed up binge watching your favorite tv show could cost you the next day via hunger cravings and extra calories. In this article, Marc digs into a couple of studies that prove sleep can be a powerful catalyst for fat loss.

2. 12 Foods You Can Eat A Lot Of Without Getting Fat: Courtesy of Kayla McDonell on Authority Nutrition

One of the biggest differences between real food that was once living or growing out of the ground and junk food like cookies and chips is volume. Every food takes up a specific amount of volume in your stomach once eaten. This volume is one of the primary determinants of whether you feel full or not. In this article, Kayla shows you 12 high-volume foods that you can eat a lot of without getting fat.

3. The Double Progression Method: Elevate Your Strength Training Workout: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

One mistake gym goers constantly make is doing the same thing for every workout. This is a sure fire way to miss out on a lot of progress and lean muscle gains. You need to have a properly progressed plan to continually stimulate change in the body. In this article, Nia demonstrates one powerful exercise method to take your progress to the next level.

4. 6 Ways To Build Muscle Under 20 Minutes: Courtesy of Travis Pollen on T Nation

Time will always be a factor in life, especially when it comes to working out. I talked about this same thing in my article this week. But just because you’re short on time doesn’t mean you need to give up your gym time. You just need to be smarter about your training. In this article, Travis presents 6 different methods you can use to build muscle in under 20 minutes.

5. Parents: How To Instill A Love Of Fitness In Your Kids: Courtesy of Dan on Nerd Fitness

In our society today, there’s so much stuff to stimulate children’s minds. I mean, most kids have cell phones, ipads, and playstations. It’s no wonder why our kids are more obese than ever before. But one of the primary responsiblities of a parent is to show their child why being active is important throughout life. In this article, Dan reveals several different ways he instills a love of fitness in his kids.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Unstuffed Cabbage Roll

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