Find the Problem, Fix the Problem

Once you begin changing the way your body looks, there are a lot of variables that factor into your success like exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Unfortunately these variables can also play a part in holding you back from achieving your ultimate goal.

Each one can present unique problems that could stop you from seeing any changes. For instance, you may do well with exercise each week, but struggle with the nutrition side of things. This is why it’s vital to have a plan in case this happens to you.

Today, I want to provide you with an easy plan of action. It should help you get back on track to seeing steady progress should any problems arise.

Step 1: Find the problem

You must first determine what is causing your specific issue. When I work with my clients, one of the first things I usually have them do is eat more protein.

I find that many under-consume protein, which is not ideal if looking to shed body fat. So, I may give them a goal of eating 1-2 palm size servings of protein with each meal.

This is something that may take some time, but it is always a key in body composition changes.

Using this as our example, let’s say I am working with a client and provide them with this goal. Over the course of the next few weeks, we see some very minimal changes.

When I look at the client’s food journal, I see he does not eat any protein at breakfast. He normally grabs a granola bar while heading out the door. This would be his problem with the goal I gave him.

He is getting enough protein at his other two meals, but breakfast seems to be the one that is holding him back.

So, we found his problem but let’s go a bit further. This is very important to determine what the solution is to this problem.

When I ask him what happened with breakfast in the morning, he says that he’s always rushing to get his kids to school so he never has time to fix himself a good breakfast.

Ah ha, there we have it! This would be a time issue. He has plenty of food to cook, but just lacking the necessary time to cook it.

You see, within that one problem, we were able to discover the cause of the problem. Like I mentioned earlier, this is very important to determine the next step.

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Step 2: Fix the problem

Since we know this client is struggling with time, we need to make time a non-issue. That is the key, to make whatever it is you are struggling with a non-issue. This is the only way that  you will be able to overcome it.

In this client’s case, that leaves us with a few options:

1. Cook the food the night before, that way it’s ready in the morning.

2. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier to cook.

3. Prepare something that is much quicker but still contains enough protein like a smoothie.

All of these options take time out of the equation. This is why its not only important to determine the problem, but to also discover the specific root cause of the problem.

Only when you determine this can you create the right solution. The great thing about this system is you can use it with any situation.

Do you struggle finding motivation to get to the gym? Find a workout partner to keep you accountable.

Do you not eat vegetables because you hate the taste? Add one of your favorite seasonings.

Do you find yourself snacking late at night in front of the tv? Read a book instead.

You see, there IS a solution to the your problem. It may just take a little digging to find the root of the problem.


This is a very easy approach that you can begin implementing immediately. If you haven’t seen progress figure out what area is giving you the most problems.

Determine why this has become a problem for you. Remember, it could be a time issue, a behavior issue, a motivation issue, etc.

Once you discover this, then create a plan of action that takes that issue out of play. Do not even give it room to rear its head.

Once you do this, you will see how easy is can be to overcome your own personal obstacles. It will be rewarding as you consistently see changes week in and week out.

If you are looking for a personal trainer in Savannah, contact me to set up a consultation.

And if you found any of this information helpful, or know of someone it could help please share with others!








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