best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: April 22 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of April 15 – April 21.

1. 5 Steps to See Any Goal Through to the End: Courtesy of Emma Bathie on Greatist

When you begin working towards a new goal, it’s easy at first. You’re excited, you’re motivated, and the work feels like a breeze. But as you get further and further along, motivation decreases and you often have to force yourself to do a lot of the work on it. Well in this article, Emma shares 5 tips to help you make sure you see your goal through to the end.

2. Sleep And Training: The Ultimate Balancing Act: Courtesy of Tim Hendren on

We all know by now how important sleep is for our health. Poor sleep can wreck havoc on your waistline, energy, and mood if given the opportunity. But what’s not often talked about is how sleep is directly correlated with your training inside the gym. In this article, Tim shares 5 tips to help you sleep better and get leaner.

3. Is Saturated Fat Bad For Your Health: Courtesy of Alex Leaf on Examine

Most of us have heard that saturated fat is bad for our health. But in the nutrition world, there aren’t a lot of absolutes. So this begs the question, what does the research say? That’s exactly what the guys over at Examine looked at to provide an unbiased, scientific answer.

4. Optimal Meal Frequency — How Many Meals Should You Eat Per Day?: Courtesy of Kris Gunnars on Healthline

Many have heard that you must eat 5-6 small meals a day to increase your metabolism. Is this true? What about breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Ever heard that before? In this article, Kris tackles several of the most common questions related to meal frequency.

5. What To Eat Made Ultra Simple: Why Fat-Burning, Healthy Eating Is Not As Complicated As You Think: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat Blog

The nutrition industry has made healthy eating amazingly complex. Turn to the latest magazine or internet article and you’ll find someone touting the next diet fad or miracle food that you have to eat to be healthy. In reality, healthy eating is rather simple. It just takes some discipline to do it consistently. In this article, Tom shows you how to simplify your nutrition plan.


Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Butternut Squash Chicken Stew

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