Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 3 2019

1. A Great Reason To Do Whole-Body Workouts: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

Many gym-goers choose to do an upper and lower body split with their workouts each week. This is where you train only the upper body one day and the lower body on another day. While training like this isn’t bad, new research suggest whole-body training is better when your goal is to build muscle. In this article, TC explains why. 

2. Should You Quit Drinking Diet Soda?: Courtesy of Clint Carter on Precision Nutrition

Diet soda is often demonized. It doesn’t have much nutritional value and many believe it’s responsible for a host of health issues. But is it really the problem we make it out to be? That’s the question posed in this great article from Clint. 

3. 7 Tweaks To Regain Motivation To Lose Weight: Courtesy of Lauren Krouse on My Fitness Pal

Finding and keeping motivation to lose weight can be a tough task. But the good news is it’s not impossible. In this article, Lauren shares 7 simple strategies to help stay motivated on your weight loss journey. 

4. The 8 Best Ways To Get Back On Track With Fitness Fast: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

Many of us have gotten off track on our fitness journey at some point in time. Let’s face it. Life gets in the way sometimes. The key is getting back on track as quickly as possible. In this article, Tom shares 8 ways to do just that. 

5. Does Intermittent Fasting Work for Weight Loss?: Courtesy of Rachael Link on Healthline

Intermittent fasting (IF) has surged in popularity for those looking to get healthier. IF has a host of health benefits including improved blood sugar control, decreased inflammation, and increased human growth hormone. One of the other big benefits is weight loss. In this article, Rachael explains why it’s so effective. 

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Turkey Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

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