best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 5 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of October 29 – November 4.

1. What’s the Best Protein for Building Muscle? A Simple Science-Based Answer: Courtesy of Michael Matthews on Muscle For Life

Protein is the building block of muscle. But is all protein created equal? It depends on who you talk to. Many will tell you that you have to eat animal products to get enough protein in. On the other hand, some will say you can be a vegetarian and get plenty of protein each day. Who’s right? In this article, Michael shares a video with you that provides a simple answer to this question.

2. Junk Food Is Not Real Food…..It Is Just Junk: Courtesy of 

Junk food is all around us. Go to any supermarket and you’ll be flooded with aisles upon aisles of heavy processed foods like chips, candy, cookies, and the like. The unfortunate truth is big food companies market these products as healthy alternatives but they are far from it. In this article, John shares 5 reasons why junk food is hurting your health.

3. Lifting 3 Days A Week Is Best: Courtesy of Charles Staley on T Nation

One question I hear the time is “how many times per week should I lift weights?”. The short answer to this question is always “it depends”. It will depend on what your particular goals are. But for the majority of people, 3 times per week seems to be the sweet spot. In this article, Charles explains why.

4. 4 Reasons You Should Be Doing Whole-Body Training: Courtesy of Dr. Jim Stoppani on

There are multiple ways you can train each time you hit the gym. But one of the most efficient and effective methods is whole-body training. This is essentially what it sounds like. You’d perform exercises that hit most of the major muscle groups of the body versus focusing on a single body part. In this article, Dr. Stoppani shares why you should be training this way.

5. How Fast You Lose Muscle When You Stop Working Out: Courtesy of Armistead Legge on Muscle For Life

One of the biggest benefits of strength training is the ability to gain muscle mass. Research shows more muscle helps to speed up your metabolism and can increase your life span. But you may have heard that once you stop working out, you’ll lose all the muscle you worked so hard to gain. Is this true? Well the short answer is yes, but it may actually take longer than you think. In this article, Armistead walks you through several studies that show how long your body can maintain it’s muscle mass without workout out.

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Sheet Pan Breakfast Pizza

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