Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: August 20 2023

1. 5 Smart Workout Rules You Don’t Want to Hear: Courtesy of Lee Boyce on T Nation

When it comes to fitness, we’d all do better if there was a road map to follow. You know, a list of rules that would keep us on the straight and narrow. In this article, Lee provides exactly that. Follow them and you will look better, feel better, and add quality years to your life. 

2. 5 Tips To Improve Your Workout And Stay Fit At Every Stage Of Your Life: Courtesy of Chitharesh Natesan on Healthshots

Fitness is something that everyone can enjoy and do, regardless of age. But as we get older there are a few modifications we should make in order to get the most out of our training. This article shares 5 tips you need to know. 

3. 20 Simple Tips That Help You Fall Asleep Quickly: Courtesy of Arlene Semeco on Healthline

A third of Americans experience trouble sleeping. While this may not seem like a huge deal, it can lead to long-term health issues. In this article, Arlene walks through 20 different tips you can use to finally get a good night’s sleep. 

4. How To Motivate Yourself To Go To The Gym: Courtesy of Yahoo! Life

Finding time to get to the gym on a consistent basis can be challenging. With all the other things on our plate, getting a workout in typically falls to the bottom of the list. But it’s something your body will thank you for later, if done on a regular basis. In this article, you find 5 tips that will help motivate you to get to the gym each week. 

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