best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: April 23 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of April 16 – April 22.

1. 11 Natural Ways to Lower Your Cortisol Levels: Courtesy of Dr. Matthew Thorpe on Authority Nutrition

Everyone gets stressed. And when this happens, cortisol is released to help you deal with it. But the problem occurs when cortisol remains elevated chronically. This can lead to problems like hypertension, weight gain, and fatigue. In this article, Dr. Thorpe reveals 11 things you can do to lower your cortisol levels.

2. 3 Steps For Prepping And Loving Your Veggies: Courtesy of James Heathers and Jennifer Nickle on Precision Nutrition

Vegetables are one of the most important food groups when it comes to improving your nutrition and health. But many do not like them because they are often bland and boring. In this article, James and Jennifer show you a 3 step routine to prepare veggies that are both delicious and healthy.

3. Should You Lift Weights To Lose Weight?: Courtesy of Moira Lawler on Greatist

The average person will typically opt for cardio over weight training when attempting a weight loss goal. But this isn’t always the best long-term strategy. In this article, Moria explains why it’s beneficial to lift weights when you want to shed weight.

4. 1 Exercise, 7 Ways To Build Legs And Glutes: Courtesy of Nick Tumminello on T Nation

The lunge is one of the most highly variable exercises. Depending on how you do them, you can place more emphasis on the quads or glutes. And because there are so many variations, you can constantly mix up your training to keep things fresh. In this article, Nick shares 7 different lunge variations to help you build stronger legs.

5. Disliking Your Body Doesn’t Have To Be “Part Of Being A Woman”: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

In our society today, there’s this trend that women need to be constantly working to improve their bodies. Just look at any fitness magazine and you’ll see ads to help women remove cellulite, get toned arms, or a better butt. And, unfortunately, it causes many females to hate the way their body looks. In this article, Nia cuts through the noise and shares why it’s important to be satisfied with who you are and how this can help you become your best self.

Side Dish Recipe Of The Week: Cauliflower Rice 

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