Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: December 13 2020

1. How To Workout In Small Spaces: Courtesy of Jim Bathurst on Nerd Fitness

There’s no shortage of people who are working out from home now. The main issue people face in this situation is finding space. In this article, Jim shares how to create a workout even if your space is no bigger than a closet. 

2. 25 Ways To Burn 300 Calories Or More: Courtesy of Kevin Gray on My Fitness Pal

We all know that if you want to lose weight you have to expend more calories than you take in on a daily basis. In this article Kevin shares 25 activities that burn 300 calories. Numbers 3 and 20 will probably surprise you. 

3. Food and Fitness No Longer Dominate My Life: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

If you have a weight loss goal, it’s easy to get consumed with trying to be “good” by exercising all the time and avoid being “bad” by not eating any dessert or treat type foods. But this mindset sets you up for failure. In this article, Nia shares how she was able to break free of this type of thinking to achieve some great results. 

4. Tracking Your Fitness Goals The Right Way: Courtesy of LA Progressive

One tracking method the majority of people use to measure their fitness success is the scale. This can only tell you one thing though, your weight. It doesn’t take into account how much muscle you’ve gained or how much fat you’ve lost. This article shares 5 other strategies you can use to appropriately track your progress. 

5. Staying Accountable To Your Fitness Goals While Working From Home: Courtesy of Stack

Working from home, as so many are right now, presents a unique set of challenges. One of the primary ones being getting in your workouts each week. This article shares 7 different strategies you can employ to help you stay accountable to yourself and improve your fitness without having to step foot in a gym. 

Recipe Of The Week: Roasted Balsamic Brussel Sprouts

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