Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 6 2022

1. Fish Oil: The Secret to Long Life: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

While fish oil is commonly know for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, new research is showing it can play a big role in increasing your life span. In this article, TC walks you through the study and reveals the implications of it’s findings. 

2. How to Do the Trap Bar Deadlift — Variations, Benefits, and Common Mistakes: Courtesy of Lee Boyce on Breaking Muscle

The trap bar deadlift is one of the best bang for your buck movements. If your gym has one, it’s an exercise that should be in your training arsenal. In this article, Lee shares how to do it and why you’ll benefit from it. 

3. Exercise Habits To Speed Up Weight Loss As You Age: Courtesy of Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

As we get older, it becomes easy to pack on some unwanted pounds. With age comes things like a slower metabolism, less muscle mass, and decreased activity levels. But a few simple habits could be all it takes to reverse course. This article from Alexa provides 3 of them. 

4. Just Starting Your Fitness Journey? Here Are Some Tips For You To Achieve Your Health Goal: Courtesy of Free Press Journal

If you are just beginning your fitness journey, it can be intimidating. Where do you start and how do create change that lasts? This article provides 7 tips that will help ensure your success. 

5. Active Recovery Workouts: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple

Recovery from exercise is just as important as exercise if you want to improve your fitness. But much thought isn’t paid to this aspect of health. In this article, Mark outlines why active recovery is important and how it can expedite your results. 

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