Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 26 2023

1. 5 Diet Habits For Weight Loss That Science Says Actually Work: Courtesy of Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

It can be frustrating when it feels like you’re doing everything right, but you can’t seem to get the results you want. One of the most important parts of any weight loss journey, is incorporating habits. Consistent practice of healthy habits will undoubtedly make you successful. In this article, Alexa reveals five science-backed weight loss habits actually work. 

2. Caring For Kids: 5 Tips For Developing Children’s Healthy Eating Habits: Courtesy of University of Michigan

As a father of two girls under 5, I know how important it is to provide nutritious meals for your children. Developing a healthy relationship with food, it crucial at a young age. In this article, the experts at the University of Michigan provide 5 solid tips to help parents instill good eating habits in their children. 

3. How To Set Up A Safe Workout Space At Home: Courtesy of Bradley C Bower on The Philadelphia Inquirer

Many switched to home gyms during the pandemic and those numbers have only kept growing. Unfortunately, the number of injuries have as well. In this article, Bradley shares a few tips on how to set up your home gym properly so you can stay injury-free. 

4. How To Start Training If You’re Over 40: Courtesy of Chris Colucci on Breaking Muscle

Fitness is for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re not quite as young as you used to be. You can still benefit from getting in the gym each week. You just need to be smart and practical with the way you train. In this article, Chris provides a guide for how you can safely get results if your over 40 and just getting started.  

5. 16 Easy Ways To Eat More Protein + How Much You Need Daily: Courtesy of Melissa Boufounos on Mindbodygreen

Protein is the most important macronutrient for any fitness goal you have. It is critical in the building of bones, muscle, skin, and most major body tissue. But most people don’t get enough of it on a daily basis. In this article, Melissa shares 16 tips to help you easily increase your protein intake. 

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