Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 21 2019

1. 6 Underrated Strength Goals for Women: Courtesy of Kailan Kalina on

More women are taking up strength training in today’s world. This is great, as strength training can transform the way your body looks and performs. But one problem some women face is not having strength goals. In this article, Kailan shares why creating goals are important and offers 6 different tests of strength that will challenge any level of lifter. 

2. Is Soda Really That Bad For You?: Courtesy of Nadia Imafidon on Greatist

Most of us know that soda can’t really be a part of a healthy diet. In this article Nadia details why exactly you want to limit sugary sodas from you diet and what you should drink instead. 

3. Build Total Body Power With The Kettlebell Swing: Courtesy of Mike Robertson on Robertson Training System

The Kettlebell Swing is one of those exercises that everyone should be doing. It’s a full body movement that burns a ton of calories. In this article, Mike shares how to perform them correctly. 

4. 20 Foods That Are Bad for Your Health: Courtesy of Kris Gunnars on Healthline

I’ve always taken a flexible approach to nutrition. This means, for the majority of your diet, you stick to nutritious, natural foods. But it’s also ok the enjoy some “treat-type” foods from time to time. The problem is when you enjoy them all the time. In this article, Kris shares 20 foods you should limit in your diet if you want to improve your health. 

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Kale Salad with Bacon and Egg

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