Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: June 4 2023

1. How To Do A Plank Properly: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple

Planks are a foundational movement for core stability. It’s one of the first exercises I teach my clients. If you want to ensure you are doing them correctly, this article from Mark breaks down this exercise. 

2. 8 Bodyweight Exercises To Get Rid Of Your “Jelly Belly”: Courtesy of Tim Liu on Eat This, Not That!

In order to lose stubborn belly fat, you’ll need a combination of good nutrition and strength training. One of the easiest forms of resistance training out there is calisthenics. This is a form of exercise that uses your own bodyweight as resistance. This article from Tim shares the top 8 bodyweight movements you can use to flatten your midsection. 

3. Having Trouble Following A Workout Routine? Follow These Tips: Courtesy of Manya Singh

One crucial part of health is movement. Study after study has shown a consistent exercise can add years to your life. But the hard part is the consistency aspect. This article from Manya provides 9 tips to help you maintain a weekly exercise routine. 

4. How To Gain Muscle Fast: The 12 Most Effective & Proven Tips: Courtesy of Vidur Saini on Fitness Volt

More muscle mass has been shown to increase your lifespan and quality of life. Needless to say, it’s something all of us should strive for on our fitness journey. In this article, Vidur shares 12 of the most effective tips for building lean muscle. 

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