Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: July 23 2023

1. Simple Ways To Boost Your Fat Loss Results Without Hours in the Gym: By Soo Kim on Newsweek

While getting in the gym is an important component of fitness, you shouldn’t have to spend hours upon hours there to see the results you want. There are plenty of things you can do outside of it to expedite your progress. In this article, Soo shares 5 straightforward tips you should be using weekly.

2. Weight Lifting: Benefits, Tips, Workouts, Downside: Courtesy of Jo Pinon on Longevity.Technology

Strength training offers a ton of health benefits. It’s something everyone, who is able, should be doing. This article from Jo breaks down all the ins and outs of resistance training. 

3. 10 Ways To Lose Belly Fat: Courtesy of Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

If you want to lose unwanted fat around your midsection, it will take some dedicated effort. There’s no doubt about that. A combination of movement, lifestyle tweaks, and nutritional changes is the best strategy there is. In this article, Alexa digs into the specifics and reveals the 10 best ways to lose belly fat. 

4. 8 At-Home, Self-Care Strategies That Can Help You Lose Weight: Courtesy of Lauren Krouse on My Fitness Pal

When we think about weight loss strategies, improving nutrition and exercise come to mind first. But there are a lot of things you can outside of this that can make a big difference over the long haul. In this article, Lauren shares 8 tips you can do at home that will help you feel better and see better results. 

5. Is A 1200-Calorie Diet (Or Any Super Low-Calorie Diet) Actually Realistic?: Courtesy of Alisa Bowman on Precision Nutrition

Low calorie diets are very popular among those looking for rapid weight loss. But is this the best approach for someone looking to shed a few pounds and get healthier? Those are some of the questions posed in this article from Alisa. 

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