Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 27 2022

1. Ways To Track And Monitor Stress: Courtesy of Dr. Lindsay Taylor on Mark’s Daily Apple

Stress is something we all experience. Too much or too little isn’t a good thing. Keeping track and monitoring our levels could be the difference between preventing a major health issue. In this article, Dr. Taylor shares several methods you can use to determine your stress levels. 

2. How Saying “No” Can Seriously Change Your Life.: Courtesy of Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon and Alisa Bowman on Precision Nutrition

Letting others down feels terrible. And that’s how most of us feel if we say “no”, when asked to do something. But there are certain times when “no” is the right answer. In this article, Dr. Scott-Dixon and Alisa explain the reason behind this and why it’s so impactful toward helping you accomplish your goals. 

3. The 5 Worst Exercise Machines: Courtesy of Eric Bach on T Nation

While machines aren’t bad by any means, there are some that shouldn’t be part of your training program. In this article, Eric shares the top 5 worst exercise machines to use and reveals some better alternatives. 

4. How Much Sugar Is Too Much? Detailed Answers From Science, Plus Common Sense: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

Sugar has been demonized for quite some time now. And while it shouldn’t be a large part of your diet, it can be enjoyed in moderation. In this article, Tom shares just how much you can consume if you want to improve your health. 

5. 25 Worst Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline: Courtesy of Eat This, Not That!

If you want to see a reduction in your waist line, you have to change your habits. There’s no way around it, if you want your results to be sustainable. This article shares 25 habits you need to stay away from if you want to avoid an expanded midsection. 

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