Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: December 6 2020

1. Mind-Blowing Ways To Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster: Courtesy of Greg Black on The Good Men Project

There’s no denying that proper nutrition and exercise are the foundation of any fitness goal you want to achieve. But supplementation can add an extra boost to those results. In this article, Greg shares a few different supplements that could help you reach your goals faster. 

2. Why You Should Eat Less Sugar In Colder Months: Courtesy of Lauren Krouse on My Fitness Pal

Most of us eat too much sugar as it is. This is undoubtedly true during the holiday season when we are surrounded by treats and desserts on a weekly basis. In this article, Lauren shares why this isn’t a good thing, especially during the winter months, and provides some tips to help you cut back. 

3. What Agonist and Antagonist Muscles Do for Your Workout: Courtesy of Trevor Thieme on Men’s Health

The title of this article may be a bit confusing if you’ve never had an anatomy class. But the agonist muscle is the muscle primary working when doing a specific exercise. While the antagonist muscle is the muscle opposing the primary muscle. In this article, Trevor shares how knowing this can cut your training time in half and supercharge your results. 

4. How To Recover From Holiday Overindulgence: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple

Most of us would be lying if we said we didn’t overindulge a little during the holidays. If this describes you, there a few things you can do to recover and get back on track. In this article, Mark shares 11 strategies to help. 

5. Step Up The Burn: How Many Calories Are Burned Walking?: Courtesy of Megan Brown on Greatist

Walking is a wonderful way to recover from workouts and improve your fitness. Best of all it is absolutely free and easy to do. If you are looking to lose weight, it’s nice to know how many calories you burn through daily exercise. In this article, Megan breaks down how to calculate this number. 

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Instant Pot Chicken

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