Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: September 26 2021

1. 5 Tips For Autopilot Fat Loss: Courtesy of Mike Howard on Burn The Fat

One of the best ways to ensure you accomplish with your fitness goals is to set up your environment for success. The more your can automate, the easier things will be. In this article, Mike shares 5 strategies that will help you follow through on any healthy behavior you choose. 

2. The One Diet Change You’ll Make After Better Sleep: Courtesy of Elizabeth Millard on Eat This, Not That!

Sleep impacts everything like energy levels, food cravings, and stress. Needless to say, it’s pretty important to overall health. In this article, Elizabeth breaks down a relatively new research study that shows one change most people make to their diet the day after they have a good night’s sleep. 

3. Why Working Out Should Be About More Than What You See In The Mirror: Courtesy of Andrew Limbong and Audrey Nguyen on NPR

Most of us all want to look better. But fitness is more than just what you see in the mirror each day. While this isn’t a bad goal, it shouldn’t be your primary goal. In this article, Andrew and Audrey explain why. 

4. How To Get Fit: Courtesy of Joanna Ebsworth on Live Science

I’m sure most would agree that they’d love to be more fit. But what does that actually mean? In this article, Joanna explains what a balanced program looks like and how long it will take to improve your fitness. 

5. 7 Tips For Creating A Lasting Fitness Plan: Courtesy of

When you first start working out or pick it back up after a long break, everything is exciting and motivation is high. But that fades after a while making it hard to continue long-term. This article provides 7 tips to help you create a fitness routine that lasts. 

Recipe Of The Week: Salmon Quinoa Salad With Balsamic Vinaigrette

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