best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 4 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of February 26 – March 3.

1. 7 Cheap Superfoods That Are Good For Your Heart: Courtesy of Natalie Rizzo on Greatist

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. And as such, it’s never too late to start thinking about heart health. In this article, Natalie shares 7 great foods that are good for your heart and easy on the wallet.

2. The Benefits Of Overindulgence. (And the 4 Key Lessons That Eating Too Much Can Teach You).: Courtesy of Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon on Precision Nutrition

We all fall off the wagon from time to time. Everything is going great with your nutrition and then one day the plan goes off the rails. In times like this, we often beat ourselves up. But in this article, Dr. Scott-Dixon shares why this could actually be beneficial for us in the long run.

3. The 5 Best Single Leg Exercises For Strength, Balance, And Agility: Courtesy of Dr. John Rusin on

Single leg training gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Some of the biggest benefits being increased strength and balance, which can go a long way toward reducing risk of low back, knee, and hip injuries. In this article, Dr. Rusin shares the top 5 single leg exercises you should be doing.

4. 4 Tips For Staying Fit While Traveling: Courtesy of Dr. Jim Stoppani on

Traveling can wreck havoc on your fitness goals, if you let it. It’s easy to forgo exercise and eat whatever you want. But just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you can’t also stay in shape. In this article, Dr. Stoppani shares 4 of his best tips for staying fit while on the road.

5. The Secret Swap That Can Make Your Meals Healthier (and Higher in Protein): Courtesy of Healthyish Generation on Greatist

We all know that higher protein meals aid in important things like keeping us fuller for longer, recovery from workouts, and building muscle mass. So anytime you make a simple food swap to up your protein, it’s always a good decision. In this article, Healthyish Generation shares 1 that you probably haven’t thought of.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: Sweet Potato Noodle Taco Bowl

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