Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: May 22 2022

1. Time-Efficient Weight Training, According To Science: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

One of the biggest barriers people face when it comes to getting in the gym is lack of time. That’s our most precious commodity as there’s only a finite amount each day. In this article, Tom shares how to make your training time efficient so you can be more consistent. 

2. 19 Weight Loss Foods That Really Work: Courtesy of Alex Korab on Eat This, Not That!

While foods aren’t good or bad, there are certain ones that will get you to your goals a lot faster. In this article, Alex provides a list of 19 foods that can keep you fuller for longer and lead to weight loss success.  

3. Warm Up Before You Weight! Here Are 9 Pre-Weightlifting Exercises: Courtesy of Stacey L. Nash on Greatist

Warming up is the most overlooked aspect of any workout. Most people don’t do it. But a solid warm up can improve your workout and keep you injury free. In this article, Stacey shares 9 great exercises to try before your next training session. 

4. Stress and Strength: Four Ways It Impacts Your Performance: Courtesy of

Stress is something we all face. If it’s left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on your performance in the gym. This article explores 4 ways stress can impact your training. 

5. I Jacked My Low Back, Now What? Workout: Courtesy of Tony Gentilcore on

Back injuries are extremely common, and something most of us have experienced at one point or another. When this happens, the first thought is to not move until it feels better. But movement can be exactly what your body needs to heal. In this article, Tony shares a simple workout you can do while recovering from a back injury. 

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