Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: September 20 2020

1. 5 Ways to Adjust Your Workout If You’re Dealing With Anxiety: Courtesy of Julia Malacoff on My Fitness Pal

Let’s be real, we are all stressed out right now. We’re in the midst of global pandemic that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon. This, obviously, can make it harder to be motivated to workout. In this article, Julia shares a few strategies to help you adjust your workouts if you’re dealing with some anxiety right now. 

2. How To Fix Lower-Body Imbalances: Courtesy of TJ Kuster on T Nation

The squat is one exercise that should be a staple in your training programs. However, at some point, you will plateau and not be able to progress on this exercise. Once this happens, you need to consider adding in some single leg work. In this article, TJ shares one unilateral exercise that will improve your lower body strength. 

3. The 3 Planes of Movement That Make Up Your Workouts: Courtesy of Trevor Thieme on Men’s Health

There are 3 main planes of movement that the human body moves through everyday. Most workouts consistent of only one plane. In this article, Trevor shares why it is beneficial to train in all 3 planes to optimize the way your body performs. 

4. How to Find Workout Motivation When You Have None: Courtesy of Julia Malacoff on In Style

Motivation can be hard to come by in our current climate. With everything going on in the world, the last thing many want to do right now is exercise. But the benefits of exercising are critical in creating a healthier, happier you. This article is very similar to article number 1, which was also written by Julia. However, in this piece, she reveals 8 tips to help you find motivation to workout if you have none. 

Recipe Of The Week: Healthy Crockpot Breakfast Casserole 

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