best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 11 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of February 4 – February 10.

1. How Much Protein Should I Eat?: Courtesy of Paul Carter on T Nation

I get asked this question often by my clients and it’s a crucial thing to know. If you aren’t taking in enough protein you could be leaving results on the table. Fortunately, in this article, Paul shares some great guidelines.

2. Committing To Your Why: Courtesy of Justin Lind on Breaking Muscle

Everyone has goals they want to achieve. And among those goals are the reasons why they want to accomplish them. This “why” is, in essence, the most important thing on your fitness journey. It helps you stay persistent long after motivation has faded. And in this article, Justin explains why it’s important to commit to your “why”.

3. 3 Lessons Climbing a Literal Mountain Taught Me About Losing Weight: Courtesy of Tara Coleman on Greatist

Weight loss can be one of the toughest challenges you’ll face. You’ll hit tough times and life will inevitably get in the way. In times like this, it’s important to have a few principles to fall back on to help you get through the rough patches. In this article, Tara shares 3 big ones that she learned while climbing Mt. Rainier.

4. Taking Back Control Over Food Guilt: Courtesy of Rudy Mawer on

Food guilt is a real thing. Many of us feel a sense of shame when we enjoy foods like pizza or ice cream. These foods have been made out to be unhealthy so, when we eat them, we feel bad. But in this article, Rudy shares several ideas to help you rid yourself of guilt, take control of your food, and still enjoy the things you love.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: Chipotle Chicken Lettuce Wrap

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