best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: February 5 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of January 29 – February 4.

1. 5 Ways Restricting Calories Can Be Harmful: Courtesy of Alina Petre on Authority Nutrition

Lowering your calories has been proven time and time again to help with weight loss. The problem happens when you lower your calories severely for an extended period of time. In this article, Alina shares 5 reasons why dropping your calories too low can be harmful to your body and health.

2. 7 Best Core Exercises For Runners: Courtesy of Elsbeth Vaino on Girls Gone Strong

One thing that many runners realize is they need better core strength to compete at high levels and reduce injury risk. But with all the core exercises out there, which should you prioritize? Well, in this article, Elsbeth demonstrates 7 of the best ones runners should be doing.

3. The Next Frontier In Recovery: Courtesy of Adam McCubbin on Breaking Muscle

Recovery is not usually talked about or emphasized much in the health and fitness world. But recovering properly is just as important to your goals as your training and nutrition. In this article, Adam shares several recovery methods that will help you improve your fitness level.

4. Weight Expectation Vs. Reality: Courtesy of Dr. Spencer Nadolsky on

Many people trying to lose weight live and die by the number they see on the scale. But this isn’t always the best way to track your progress. In this article, Dr. Nadolsky explains why you may benefit more from not checking your weight as often and how to manage your weight loss expectations.

5. 10 Smart Loaded Carry Variations For Safer, More Effective Core Strength: Courtesy of Chris Cooper on

Go to a gym and ask anyone what good core exercises are and most will say things like sit ups and crunches. But there’s actually a better approach for training the abs. In this article, Chris shares several different carry variations to help you improve your core strength.

Super Bowl Appetizer Recipe Of The Week: Spinach And Artichoke Dip

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