Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 13 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of March 6-March 12.

1. Shut Up And Do Something: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

We complain A LOT. It’s human nature. If something doesn’t go our way we’re happy to talk about how much time we don’t have, how we can’t lose any weight, or how bad the world is. While all these things exist, complaining about them won’t help one single bit. In this article, Nia talks about why it’s important to shut up and do something about our problems.

2. Good Versus Evil: Food Is Not A Competition: Courtesy of Marc Halpern on Breaking Muscle

One question I often hear from my clients is “What foods are bad for me to eat?” The funny thing is I never give them specific foods. I’ve never liked labeling foods as good or bad because it creates a negative image. If you like ice cream and it’s labeled as bad you’ll most like crave it all the time and feel guilty when eating it. That approach will never give you to tools to create a sustainable diet plan. In this article, Marc talks dives deeper into this topic.

3. 9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight: Courtesy of Franziska Spritzler on Authority Nutrition

Hormones can affect the body on many different levels. One of the biggest being your weight. If your hormones are out of whack it can be hard to see any real changes. In this article, Franziska covers 9 different hormones and how you can fix them to start seeing better results.

4. 13 Ways To Improve Your Deadlift, Fast!: Courtesy of Tony Gentilcore on T Nation

The deadlift is arguably the king of all exercises. It works most of the muscles on the backside of your body, burns a ton of calories, and can help you pack on lean muscle mass. Needless to say it’s an exercise that more people should be doing. In this article, Tony talks about how to improve your deadlift from the ground up.

5. What Is The Best Time Of Day To Work Out? Insights From The Latest Research: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on

We’ve all probably worked out at different times during the day. Did you feel you performed better based on what time it was. I know I struggle with early morning workouts. I feel best when I lift in the middle of the afternoon. In this article, Tom digs through some the research to uncover if there is a best time of the day to get your workout in.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Salt-And-Pepper Shrimp 

*Note: I’d substitute the vegetable/peanut oil for extra virgin olive oil.


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