best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: May 8 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of May 1 – May 7.

1. How To Know If A New Diet Will Actually Work For You: Courtesy of Adam Bornstein on Greatist

There is tons of diet advice floating around these days and almost all of it contradicts each other. For the average person looking to lose weight, this makes it tough. “Where should I start?” “Will this work for me?” “Why did I stop progressing?” All questions that you may ask yourself when you begin a new diet. In this article though, Adam cuts through the noise and shows you how to tell if a new diet will actually work for you.

2. What Is Caffeine And Is It Good Or Bad For Your Health?: Courtesy of Alina Petre on Authority Nutrition

Everyone knows what caffeine is. But do you know how it affects your body? In this article, Alina digs into the science to determine whether caffeine is good or bad for your health.

3. The Ugly Side Of Health And Fitness: Courtesy of Nia Shanks on

Health and fitness endeavors should help you become fitter, more confident, and a better person. But there’s an ugly side to health and fitness that no one talks about. These things cause you to punish yourself, doubt yourself, become self-conscious, and limit your true potential. In this article, Nia opens up about her struggle with the ugly side of fitness, how she overcame it, and how you can do the same.

4. The Real (And Surprising) Reasons Healthy Movement Matters: Courtesy of Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon on Precision Nutrition

As humans, we are designed to move and move often. But work and life often get in the way. We sit more throughout the day that we ever have before, making it increasingly difficult for our bodies to function well overtime. In this article, Dr. Scott-Dixon reveals why movement matters, and the reasons may surprise you.

5. 4 Reasons Exercise Alone Won’t Help You Lose Weight: Courtesy of Alyssa Raiola on Greatist

One of the first things people think about when they start a weight loss goal is hitting the gym. The thought is, if you get more exercise it will help you shed weight faster. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. In this article, Alyssa shows why exercise alone won’t cut it.

Dinner Recipe of The Week: Greek Lemon Chicken And Potato Bake


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