best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: November 12 2017

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of November 5 – November 11.

1. 3 Keys To A Diet That Will Keep The Weight Off Forever: Courtesy of Dr. Mike Roussell on Naked Nutrition

Have you ever lost weight only to find a few months down the road you’ve regained it all back? I’m sure most of us could agree this has happened at one point or another. But the key to a successful diet, is one that is sustainable long-term. In this article, Dr. Mike shares 3 dietary strategies with you that will help keep the weight off for good.

2. 25 Ways To Eat Well On The Go: Courtesy of Dr. John Berardi on Precision Nutrition

In an ideal world, you’d be able to peacefully enjoy each and every meal you create. But let’s face it, life is never going to be ideal. There’s always something going on whether it be traveling for work, going on vacation, or dropping the kids off at soccer practice. In times like these, sticking to your nutrition plan can be a challenge. In this article, Dr. Berardi shares 25 ways you can eat well even though you’re on the go.

3. Your Expert Guide To Whey Protein: Courtesy of Dr. Krissy Kendall on

One supplement I recommend to my clients is protein powder. The reason being most people have trouble consuming enough protein on a daily basis. Protein is king when it comes to fat loss and building muscle. And whey protein is one of the best powders there is. In this article, Dr. Kendall shares everything you need to know about it.

4. The Unspoken Tenets Of Strength Training: Courtesy of Tony Gentilcore on

I may be biased, but strength training is one of the most important forms of exercise you should be doing. It never hurts to get stronger. But being weak, well that’s a sure fire way to injure yourself. In this article, Tony walks you through 5 basic rules of strength training you should live by.

5. 4 Techniques To Bust Through Your Weight Loss Plateau: Courtesy of Rudy Mawer on

There comes a time on everyone’s weight loss journey where they hit the dreaded plateau. Unfortunately, this is when most people give up all together. In this article, Rudy shares 4 techniques to help you bust through the plateau so you can get back on track to achieving your ideal body.

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Strawberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

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