fitness and nutrition apps

5 Cool Fitness And Nutrition Apps That Make Life Easier

Technology is great, isn’t it? This day and age it seems like new and exciting things are being invented every day to make life easier. Especially when it comes to the your health. There are a lot of cool fitness and nutrition apps out there that have made getting stronger and burning fat significantly simpler. In…

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The 85/15 Approach: How To Stay Lean Year Round

Currently, there are over a hundred diets on the market right now. All with them come with the intentions of helping you lose weight, improve health, and feel better. The lifespan of a traditional diet is weeks or months at a time. After this, the person typically falls right back into their normal eating habits.…

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Low On Time? Supercharge Your Workouts With Combination Exercises

How many times have you skipped a workout because you were short on time? Most of us could agree we’ve done this at one time or another. It’s simple, when life gets busy we cut down time in other areas. Unfortunately, one of the first things we will skip is our workout. The reality is…

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fat loss myth

1 Big Fat Loss Myth

Within the fitness and nutrition world, there are countless myths regarding what’s optimal for fat loss. One of the biggest myths still prevailing is that you need to eat many small meals per day to “keep your metabolism elevated”. The reason this myth has gotten so much traction is because there’s evidence to show our…

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save countless hours in the gym

This Exercise Takes 20 Minutes, And Will Save Countless Hours In The Gym

Most gym goers interested in fat loss will spend hours slogging away on a treadmill or elliptical week in and week out. They’re often surprised when they don’t see many changes after so much exercise. The truth is, if your goal is to melt fat and get lean, you don’t need this much endless cardio. If…

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lower calorie intake

Do This One Simple Thing At Each Meal To Lower Calorie Intake

If your goal is fat loss, you need to ensure you’re doing one thing each and every day: eating fewer calories. You must expend more calories than you consume each day to see a significant reduction in fat. But this can be hard. If you’re busy, time isn’t on your side. Your scarf down a…

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Creating A Plan For The New Year

This is the time of year when all the New Year’s resolutions begin. Everyone starts off with a can-do attitude and it seems like nothing will stand in their way. But just like every year, life happens. They get busy and finds ways to discontinue their resolution efforts. That’s why most resolutions (and anything for…

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What Exercises Are Best For Fat Loss?

A couple weeks back, I wrote about how diet was more important for fat loss than exercise. I didn’t say exercise was irrelevant, but when you compare the two, nutrition seems to have a greater effect on body composition than exercise alone. I also mentioned why strength training is a vital piece of the fat loss…

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optimal number of sets

What’s The Optimal Number Of Sets?

Within the fitness research community, there’s a huge debate regarding the optimal number of sets for a given exercise. Previous studies have looked at 1 set all the way up to 6-8 sets to determine an answer. But as science would have it, the results aren’t so cut and dry. In 2007, a researcher named…

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Diet or exercise

Diet Or Exercise: Which Impacts Weight Loss More?

You get to hear some pretty interesting conversations when you work in a gym all day. One that comes up time and time again is how exercise affects weight loss. Many believe that if they just exercised more (whether that be cardio, strength training, etc.) they would have their dream body. But is that the most…

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