Machines Vs. Free Weights: Which is Best For Fat Loss?

Walk into any commercial gym, and you will see rows of exercise machines and an area full of free weights like dumbbells, barbells, and medicine balls. With so much equipment, it’s hard to know where to begin.

The machines usually have pictures on them showing how to complete each exercise, you can easily adjust the weight, and they do not require any assistance. Free weights on the other hand can be intimidating, you sometimes need assistance, and you must have proper technique. This instantly makes the machines seem like the ideal starting point.

But the question you always need to ask yourself is “what’s my ultimate goal?” That will provide guidance as to which option is better for you.

The majority of people who come to a gym, are looking to lose fat. So which should they choose?

Well a study done in 2012, looked at this exact question. The researchers had trained men perform 6 sets of 10 repetitions with 80% of their 1 rep max (the maximal weight they can lift for 1 rep) on either barbell squats or a leg press machine (1). They wanted to look at the hormonal response with each exercise protocol.

They discovered that testosterone increased 50% more and growth hormone increased 3 times as much in the squat when compared to the leg press. These hormones are responsible for building muscle mass and burning body fat, showing that free weights have the advantage.

This result is very impressive and expected. One of the main differences between machines and free weights is the amount muscle used to perform each one.

When using the leg press machine, you do not have to stabilize the weights. You simply press it up and lower it back down. The main muscles engaged are the quadriceps and the hamstrings and calves to a degree.

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When doing the squat, you have to stabilize the weight. Your upper back, lower back, and abs have to contract to hold the weight. Your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves must all work together in order for you to complete the exercise.

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I have used this example before, but think about a slingshot. In order for you to use it, you must first stabilize the base then pull the elastic band back. However, if someone else was holding the base, all you would have to do is pull the band back.

The second scenario is easier because someone is doing part of the work for you. This is what a machine does. It provides that stability. Free weights do not. This results in more muscle mass used, and ultimately a greater hormonal response.

That is one of the reasons why free weight exercises are so great. They don’t just challenge your muscles, they challenge your entire body.

While I think machines can have some value, like in a rehab setting where muscles need to be isolated, in the context of fat loss you can’t beat free weights. Performing compound movements like deadlifts, squats, lunges, presses, and rows will provide the largest bang for your buck.

You will not only burn extreme amounts of calories but you will be able to strengthen your body in new ways. That in itself will do wonders.

I know many do not feel comfortable in the free weight area though. It’s often filled with grunting men who make it their mission to be as loud as possible as they throw weights around.

Another issue stopping others from enjoying the benefits of free weights is technique. There is a right way to do each exercise but many wrong ways. Lifting improperly is a sure fire way to injure yourself.

If this sounds like you, try finding a qualified trainer in your area to work with you. There is no substitute for a good coach. They can help you become comfortable with free weights while keeping you safe in the process.

Machines may provide results if you are just beginning a workout program. But if you are looking for long-term results, you should be using free weights. They provide more variety than machines and can be progressed easily.

If you were to do the same thing over and over, would you expect your results to keep improving? There will be a point when your progress stalls using machines, and there will be no way to progress the exercise. This is needed in order to break through plateaus.

The only way to make a machine exercise harder is by increasing the weight, adding reps, or adding sets. You will not be able to do this every single time you go to the gym.

There are many different ways to progress a squat though. Think about all the variations- box squats, goblet squats, back squats, front squats, zercher squats, etc. All of these variations will challenge you in different ways and allow you to continue seeing results.

That’s why free weights are superior. They not only offer easy progression but provide a stimulus for the entire body, which is critical for fat loss.

I hope this post was able to help you see the difference between machines and free weights. I believe both can have advantages depending on the individual. However, when fat loss is the objective the research is clear: use free weights!

If you are looking for a personal trainer in Savannah, contact me to set up a consultation.

And if you found any of this information helpful, or know of someone it could help please share with others!


1) Black, A., et al. Hormonal response to free weight and machine weight resistance exercise. Eighth International Conference on Strength Training. Norway: Oslo. 2012.

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