best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: December 9 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of December 2 – December 8.

1. 21 Diet Foods That Can Make You Gain Weight: Courtesy of Jillian Kubala on Healthline

Many diet foods are classified as healthy by labels such as “low-calorie”, “low-fat”, “all natural”, etc. The fact is most of these foods are anything but healthy. In this article, Jillian shares 21 common diet foods that can actually make you gain weight.

2. An Easy Way to Reduce Stress and Get in Shape Faster!: Courtesy of Bill Hartman on Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Stress is one thing we all have in common. But problems arise when we let this stress become chronic. It can drastically decrease our health and make achieving our fitness goals much harder. In this article, Bill shares one strategy you can use to easily reduce your stress.

3. Recovering From Injury: Courtesy of Mariah Heller on Breaking Muscle

Injuries suck, plain and simple. When you’re injured, it can frustrating and debilitating at the same time. But the thing about injuries is there are usually ways to train around them. In this article, Mariah shares a few strategies to help you on your road to recovery.

4. Your Best Low Carb Fast Food Options: Courtesy of Steve Kamb on Nerd Fitness

Let’s be real. You’re not always going to have a home cooked meal ready and waiting on you. There will be times where you’re forced to make a quick decision on the go. In this article, Steve shares some of the best low carb options at multiple national fast food restaurants around the country.

5. Don’t Fall Into The “Is This Food Healthy Or Unhealthy?” Trap: Courtesy of Kamal Patel on Examine

Many of us are guilty of wondering whether a food is healthy or unhealthy for us to eat. The problem lies in these words: healthy and unhealthy. One is positive while the other is negative. This implies that there’s no middle ground only black and white. In this article, Kamal shares why this line of thinking isn’t the best option.

Breakfast Recipe Of The Week: Instant Pot Breakfast Burrito

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