best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: April 7 2019

1. Why Rotating Exercises Is Critical For Long-term Success: Courtesy of Mike Robertson on Robertson Training Systems

If you see the same people every time you’re in the gym you may notice a trend: they’re doing the same exercises every time. Now, this may not be the case for everyone, but some people do this. If you’re looking for better results, repeating the same thing over and over won’t get you there. In this article, Mike explains why.

2. The Top 5 Supplements For Hardcore Health: Courtesy of TC Luoma on T Nation

As the saying goes, supplements are meant to supplement a good diet not make up for a bad one. Having said that, you can do your health and body a favor by adding a few of them into your diet. In this article, TC shares his top five.

3. A Complete Guide To The Keto Diet: Courtesy of Chris Kresser on

Ketogentic diets are extremely popular right now. This is a low-carb, high-fat, and moderate-protein based diet. Many tout it as a miracle diet. The truth is this approach can work well for some but not others. In this article, Chris details a full guide on this type of nutrition plan.

4. Why Every Woman Needs to Lift: Courtesy of Cassie Smith on

The unfortunate truth is that many women fear lifting weights. They may be afraid it will make them bulky or that they’ll hurt themselves. But there are so many positives things that happen to you and your body when you lift weights. In this article, Cassie shares 8 reasons why she believes every woman should strength train.

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: Homemade Steak Burrito Bowls

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