best fitness articles

Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: April 8 2018

Each week, we publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, recipes, etc. Here is the list from the week of April 1 – April 7.

1. How To Stop Muscle Loss When Dieting: Courtesy of Chris Shugart on T Nation

When dieting, you have to be careful to consume the right nutrients or you risk losing muscle mass. This is the exact opposite thing you want to happen when trying to lose fat. It wrecks your metabolism and makes it extremely hard to see results. In this article, Chris shares an interesting study that found one simple thing you can to prevent losing muscle when dieting.

2. 10 Ways to Get Back on Track After a Binge: Courtesy of Rachael Link on Healthline

Overeating is extremely common in the United States. We have access to tons of different foods and food products that make it rather easy to go overboard. Unfortunately, when you binge eat, motivation can decrease which can lessen your chances of actually achieving your goals. In this article, Rachael shares 10 different strategies to help get you back on track after a binge.

3. Simple Rules For Crushing Health And Life: Courtesy of Shane Trotter on Breaking Muscle

Pretty much every successful person in life, has a set of rules they live their life by. By following these guidelines, it’s easy for them to stay on track to accomplish their personal and professional goals. In this article, Shane shares several guidelines you can follow to help you improve your health and life.

4. 7 Outrageous Sugar Myths And The Real Science Behind Them: Courtesy of Charlie Beestone on Food For Fitness

Sugar is one of the most debated topics when it comes to nutrition. Most claim that it causes things like weight gain and diabetes, makes you hyper, and is highly addictive. What’s true and what’s false? Well in this article, Charlie debunks 7 big myths about sugar.

5. 5 Easy Ways To Eat Mindfully For Weight Management: Courtesy of Rudy Mawer on

We often eat without much thought. When we’re rushed, we scarf down a meal without really taking the time to enjoy it. Eating mindfully is one of those techniques that can help you not only lose weight, but maintain your weight loss. In this article, Rudy shares his top 5 strategies to help you control your food intake and ensure you stay on track.

Lunch Recipe Of The Week: Super Simple Sweet Potato And Turkey Meatballs

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