Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: January 24 2016

Each week, I publish a list of best fitness articles from the previous week. These articles range from a wide variety of topics like nutrition, training, stress management, weight loss, general health, etc. Here is the list from the week of January 17 – January 23.

1. Your Diet Needs A Reality Check: Courtesy of Andrew Read on Breaking Muscle

Diet has been made into this ridiculously complicated thing. There are literally hundreds of diet a person could choose from if their goal was weight loss. All this information can make one wonder ‘What in the world is right?’ In this article, Andrew breaks it down for you. He presents 5 simple, no-nonsense steps you can use to get your diet in check.

2. The Testosterone Boosting Workout: Courtesy of Chad Waterbury on T-Nation

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for fighting fat and packing on slabs of lean muscle. In this article, Chad explains what factors are crucial for increasing testosterone and provides a sample training program so you can just that.

3. How To Keep Burning Calories When Your Workout Is Over: Courtesy of David Tao on Greatist

In order to shed fat, you need to burn more calories than you take in on a daily basis. We all know that working out burns calories, but did you know certain workouts can help you burn more calories long after the workout is over? This article from David shows you exactly what workouts do this, and why you should be doing them.

4. 11 Ways To Stop Cravings For Unhealthy Foods And Sugar: Courtesy of Adda Bjarnadottir on Authority Nutrition

Food cravings can be the downfall of some people. They can be irresistible at times and heard to overcome. This makes it incredibly hard to see results. Adda, from Authority Nutrition, shows you 11 scientific ways you can use to fight these cravings and eat healthy.

5. Simplifying Mindfulness: How To Actually Do It (Even Though You Don’t Want To): Courtesy of Jill Coleman on

Mindfulness is a strategy you employ where you are aware of how you feel and what you are doing. It’s staying conscious of your actions. This is very important when it comes to eating. Without it, it’s easy to eat anything in site. If you struggle with emotional eating or binge eating, mindfulness is something I recommend you begin implementing. Luckily, in this article, Jill walks you through some simple steps you can use to become mindful.



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