Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: March 14 2021

1. 5 Awesome Meal Planning Tips For People Frustrated With Meal Plans: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

Meal planning undoubtedly will make your fitness goals easier to accomplish. This is where you create and build your meal list based on your calorie guidelines. In this article, Tom shares 5 simple tips to help you meal plan better. 

2. The Best And Worst Foods To Eat Before Bed: Courtesy of Catherine Clark on Greatist

Quality sleep is the most underutilized tool for better health and performance. And your sleep can be affected by the types of food you eat before bed. In this article, Catherine shares the foods you should eat and avoid before you hit the hay. 

3. 7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss: Courtesy of Julia Malacoff on My Fitness Pal

Weight loss is one of the most sought after goals people strive to achieve with exercising. But misconceptions run rampant over how to actually set up your training program. In this article, Julia busts 7 of the most common myths floating around about exercising for weight loss. 

4. The One Simple Trick That Can Change Your Eating Habits, Improve Your Food Choices, And Help You Lose Weight: Courtesy of Megan Schall on

You may have read that title and think that sounds too good to be true. Well, there are no quick fixes or magic bullets when it comes to improving your health and fitness. But there are tried and true principles, that if you put into place consistently, you’ll see great results. In this article, Megan shares one that’s so simple you can start doing it today. 

5. What Are The Fitness Mistakes You’re Making?: Courtesy of Yousra Zaki on Gulf News

We all want to look and feel better, right? But with all the fitness and nutrition information out there, it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, Yousra shares 4 mistakes you could be making and reveals what to do instead. 

Dinner Recipe Of The Week: BBQ Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

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